20 July 2010

Tribune Tuesday: Death's Bride

Note: The legibility of the article was very poor, thus all of the omissions in the article below. But the story seemed worth telling despite the fractured narrative. -jjr

From The Oakland Tribune, 31 October 1894

Miss Caroline Lembs' Last Wish Carried Out
She Was Buried Today in Her Wedding Dress
The Sad Story That Closed in a N?b? Young Life

One of the most sorrowful funerals which ever took place in this city was that of Miss Caroline Lembs which was held this afternoon at 4? Walsworth avenue.

The remains of the young woman were attired in bridal robes, although she had never been a ???? Death had stepped in and deprived ??? that pleasure, --- --- she --- --- the marital ceremony --- performed. Last Saturday night --- --- --- been married to O?? W????? --- -- officer on the --- --- --- Wa?ub had come --- --- --- ceremony, --- --- --- --- was taken ill several days --- --- --- and the nuptials were deferred --- the groom expectant sailing away at the request of Miss Lemb, on a short cruise up the Pacific coast.

Mean??? Miss Lembs died, and, owing to the fact that W???b could not return, the funeral took place without the groom expectant, --- --- being held in the cosy but unfurnished home which Wa?ub had erected as above given. The funeral attracted many sympathetic friends. The remains were interred in Mountain View Cemetery.

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