05 September 2011

Key West Inquirer Transcriptions-January 1836

Well, summer certainly passed ME by. Between a bunch of bad family news, and working to establish my own home-based writing and editorial business, poor Rainy Day Genealogy Readings hasn't had much of a chance to claim any of my attention.

At any rate, trickles of genealogy work is getting done, and I am looking forward to actually sating my genealogy yen at Ancestry Day San Francisco as a volunteer for the California Genealogical Society. Yay!

Til then, here's some tidbits I pulled from some pale Key West Florida newspapers put online in a great database project by the University of Florida (in concert with a few other entities). Here's hoping these help someone Googling their missing ancestors!

The Key West Enquirer, 02 January 1836
Per Schr Motto, from Tampa--Dr. Nourse, and Lieut. Duncan, USA
Per sloop Francisco for St. Marks--Hon. Jas. Webb, R. Fitzpatrick, Esq., Mr. L. F. Breaker, Miss Breaker, Mr. Prince, Lady and Family of Key West, and Mr. S. A. Spencer of Indian Key.
L.F. Breaker: Will be a candidate for the Sheriffalty of Monroe county at the election in February next. Jan. 2, 1836.
NOTICE: All persons are forewarned from shooting or otherwise trespassing on Knights Key, as I am determined to prosecute any who may be found in the act. JOSHUA APPLEBY, Dec. 24, 1835.
NOTICE: All persons having demands against the estate of Antonio Pacheco deceased, late of the county of Hillsborough, are hereby requested to present the same to the undersigned. All those indebted to said estate are required to make payment on or before the 16th of January, 1836. Wm. Bunce and Quintin A. Pacheco, adm.

Key West Inquirer, 09 January 1836

JOSEPH A THOURON Will be a candidate for the Clerkship of Monroe County Court, at the election in February next. Dec. 26, 1835.
ALDEN A. M. JACKSON Respectfully offers himself to the voters of Monroe County as a candidate for Clerk at the County Court.
By virtue of a writ of fi. fa. from the Hon. Superior Court for the Southern Jurisdicial District of Florida, to me directed and delivered, I will expose for sale on Saturday the sixth day of February to the highest bidder all the right, title, claim and interest of Lackland M. Stone to the following described property situated on the Island of Key West, to wit. Lots nos. 2 and 3 in square no. 44. levied on as the property of said Stone, to satisfy a judgment which Mary R. Emerson, wife of Emerson and late Mary R. Fleeming, and widow and legatee of John W. C. Fleeming, by her attorney in fact, William A. Whitehead, recovered against said L. M. Stone. Terms, Cash Sale, within the legal hours. Papers to be paid for by the purchaser. Thos. Eastin, U. S. M., by J. A. Thouron, D. M.

Key West Enquirer, 30 January 1836

NAVAL--The United States Sloop of War St. Louis, Capt. ROSSEAU, arrived at this port from Pensacola on the 28th inst. List of officers attached to the US Frigate Constellation now in Port:

Commodore: AJ Dallas

LIEUTENANTS: Edmondy Byrne, Jno. L. Bell, Grey Skipwith, Steven Johnston, Gurdin C. Ashton, CHAH Kennedy, Geo. M. Bache.

SURGEON: Leonard Osborn

Ass't Surgeons: Sam'l C. Laurison, Wm. Vaulk

Purser: Jno. DeBree

Act'g Sailor Master: Raphael Semmes

Lieut. of Marines: N. S. Waldron

Commodore's Secretary: Thos. Miller

Passed Midshipmen: Wm. Chandler, Jas. K. Bowie, Jno. F. Borden, Roger Perry

Midshipmen: Jas. M. Frailey, Jno. W. Taylor, A. S. Baldwin, Jas. H. Strong, Steven Dodd, Wm. Pope, Edmund T. Shubrick, Lewis c. Sartori, Saml A Turner, WS Williamson, PW Humphreys, Wm. B. Whiting, JS Booth, Jno W. D. Ford, Jno O. Wilson, Jno A Doyle, Wm. B. Beverly, Wm. May, Francis P. Hoban, Geo Wickham, Richard Lounds Capts. clerk: Jacob Martin

Gunner: Saml G. City

Boatswain: Chas. Mathews

Sail Maker: --- Crow

Carpenter: Jno O Butler

Lieut LM Powell, passenger to join the Squadron
The lot of Ground on Whitehead St. belonging to Felix C. Ruby, with the buildings erected thereon, consisting of a Dwelling House, Kitchen, and Work Shop, all in tolerably good repair. The lot contains about half an acre of ground, and is surrounded by a good stone fence. The premises rent at present for about $10 per month. W. A. Whitehead, Key West, Jan. 30, 1836.